
During your adventures, it will be most likely you will suffer a toil to your health. Adventures are prone to acquiring diseases through the infested lands they travel to.


Severity determines how difficult a disease it is to treat. The effects of a disease apply until its severity is treated to 0.

List of Diseases

Common Cold

Severity 1

  • You are slowed and poisoned
  • Your Initiative is 5
  • Gain one level of exhaustion

Corpse Blight

Severity 1

  • Your Strength becomes 0
  • Your Hitpoint Maximum is reduced by 1
  • Gain one level of exhaustion

Spore Rot

Severity 2

  • You are disoriented
  • You receive 1d6 poison damage, and for every long rest you take without treating this disease, you receive 1d6 poison damage

Blinding Sickness

Severity 1

  • You are blinded and Poisoned

Rotting Sickness

Severity 2

  • Decrease your Endurance by one, and on every Long rest you take without treating this disease, decrease your Endurance by one
  • You are Poisoned
  • Gain one level of exhaustion

Fly Fever

Severity 1

  • Decrease your Strength and Agility to 0
  • You are Poisoned and Slowed
  • Gain one level of exhaustion

Black Plague

Severity 4

  • Your Hit Points are reduced to 1
  • You are disoriented
  • On every long rest you take without treating this disease, you receive 1d6 poison damage
  • Gain one level of exhaustion

Troll’s Foot

Severity 1

  • Your movement is halved
  • Your Agility become -1, and on every Long rest you take without treating this disease, decrease your Agility by one (Minimum of -5)

Brain Fungus

Severity 2

  • Reduce your Intelligence by one, and on every Long rest you take without treating this disease, decrease your Intelligence by one (Minimum of -5)
  • You are disoriented
  • You take 1d4 poison damage, and for every long rest you take without treating this disease, you receive 1d4 poison damage
  • Gain one level of exhaustion


Severity 2

  • Gain one level of exhaustion
  • You are Poisoned
  • Reduce your Endurance to 0

Azel’s Mark

Severity 1

  • Gain one level of exhaustion
  • You become frightened to everything
  • Your Intelligence and Endurance become 0


Severity 2

  • Gain one level of exhaustion
  • You receive 1d6 poison damage, and for every long rest you take without treating this disease, you receive 1d6 poison damage
  • You are Poisoned

Spinal Rot

Severity 1

  • You become Paralyzed

Black Mold

Severity 1

  • You are blinded
  • Gain one level of exhaustion
  • After every hit, you must succeed a 15 DC Endurance check or fall prone


Severity 5

  • You have disadvantage on any speech checks if people see you
  • After long resting, you instantly suffer from the burn condition and receive one level of exhaustion


Severity 1

  • Your Intelligence and Endurance equal 0
  • You become Prone and Can’t get up

Copper Poisoning

Severity 1

  • Your Agility becomes -1
  • You are Poisoned

Draining Humor

Severity 1

  • You gain 4 levels of exhaustion
  • Your Strength becomes -1

Zombie Virus

Severity 5

  • You receive 1d8 poison damage, and for every long rest you take without treating this disease, you receive 1d6 poison damage
  • Reduce your Intelligence by one, and on every Long rest you take without treating this disease, decrease your Intelligence by one (Minimum of -5)
  • Your Agility become -1, and on every Long rest you take without treating this disease, decrease your Agility by one (Minimum of -5) Anyone who dies while infected rises as a plague zombie in 2d6 hours.

Spawn Vampirism

Severity 10 (Can only be cured by drinking the blood of a vampire)

  • You must feed on blood every 24 hours, otherwise you receive 1d6 Exhaustion levels.
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