General Rules

d20 Tests

d20 Tests, or simply tests, are done whenever you attempt to succeed on an action. d20 Tests are always against a set Difficulty Class (or DC). If your d20 Test is equal or greater than the DC, the action succeeds. There are three types of d20 tests: Skill Checks, Attack Rolls, and Saving Throws.

Critical Successes

Whenever you roll a d20 and it lands on a 20 - it is a critical success! The effect it causes depend on the type of test.

Critical Fumble

Whenever you roll a d20 and it lands on a 1, it is a critical Fumble! The effect it causes depend on the type of test.

Skill checks

Skill checks represent your Adventurer's ability to perform a certain challenge successfully. You use your attributes for those rolls, and depending on your origin, you may add a bonus to this roll equal to your proficiency bonus.

Attack Rolls

When you take the attack action that involves an attack roll, you make a d20 Test against the creature's Dodge. The bonus of this Test depends on if you have proficiency on the weapon, and if the attack is melee or ranged.
Melee Attacks Strength affects your effectiveness at attacking with melee attacks
Ranged Attacks Perception affects your precision attacking with ranged attacks

Attack Rolls - Critical hit: Whenever you get a critical success on an attack roll, it automatically hits, and you double all damage dice associated with the attack.

Attack Rolls - Critical fail: Whenever you get a critical fumble on an attack roll, you automatically fail.

Saving Throws

A saving throw, or save, occurs when you're subjected to an unexpected circumstance such as a slippery floor, or activating a trap. you roll to avoid or reduce the effect. There are three types of saving throws, which affect the respective Attribute used as a bonus. Proficiency with a saving throw lets you add your proficiency bonus. There are three types of saving throws: Reflex, Fortitude, and Sense.


Reflex saves reflect nimbleness, balance and agility. you apply your Agility to your Reflex Saving throws.


Fortitude saves reflect mental and physical strength against adversity. you apply your Endurance to your Fortitude saving throws.


A sense save reflect your quick thinking and wits your ability to avoid certain effects. you apply your Intelligence to your Sense saving throws.

Saving Throw - Critical Save: You automatically succeed on a critical success.

Saving Throw - Critical fail: Whenever you get a critical fumble on a saving throw, you automatically fail.

Advantage and Disadvantage Dice

Certain conditions and effects may give advantage or disadvantage to your d20 tests. When that happens, you roll a second d20 when you make the roll. Use the higher of the two rolls if you have advantage and use the lower roll if you have disadvantage. You cannot apply more than one Advantage dice on a roll, and if you have an Advantage dice and a Disadvantage dice, they will both cancel each other, providing no effect.


All characters have a flat proficiency bonus determined by their level. That proficiency bonus can be used in your d20 if you have the appropriate proficiency.

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