Level 2
Bonus Spells
You get additional spells. they don’t count towards the number of prepared spells you have.Rank | Spells | |
Novice | Energy Absorption, Summon Ancestral Guardian | |
Apprentice | Shapeshift, Elemental Weapon | |
Adept | Elemental Shield, Recall |
Channel Divinity - Bear Spirit
The Spirit of a bear surrounds you, providing you with it's might. For 1 minute, you’re considered large, and when you attack a creature with a Melee Attack, you can attack any number of Creatures within a 3-unit cone from that target from your direction.
Channel Divinity - Eagle Spirit
The Spirit of a An Eagle guides you. Once per turn, for a minute, you can give yourself and your allies advantage on attacks against a creature you choose within a 6-unit ring around you as a free action till the beginning of your next turn.
Channel Divinity - Wolf Spirit
The Spirits of wolves hampers your enemies around you. For a minute, every creature of your choice within a 4-unit ring around you is slowed and has disadvantage against anyone other than you while they remain within range.
Level 6
Alternating Forms
Whenever you cast shapeshift, for the duration you can switch to your normal form using one action point, and you can then switch into a different form within the next minute.
Elemental Power
When you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes acid, cold, fire, or lightning damage, you can use your reaction to grant resistance to the creature against that instance of the damage.
Level 9
Nature’s champion
You know the metamorphosis spell and it doesn't count towards the number of prepared spells you have. Additionally, you can extend the duration of the spell for 24 hours.