Level Proficiency bonus Spell Rank Features
1st +1 Novice Spellcasting
2nd +1 Novice Wizard subclass
3rd +2 Apprentice Rank-Up
4th +2 Apprentice Ability score Increase
5th +3 Adept Rank-Up
6th +3 Adept Wizard subclass
7th +4 Expert Rank-Up
8th +4 Expert Ability Score Increase
9th +5 Master Wizard subclass, Rank-Up

Level 1

Class Hit points 4
Class Speed 8
Saving throw Proficiency Sense
Weapon Proficiency Staffs, daggers, light crossbows.

Casting Attribute Intelligence is your Attribute to cast spells
Spell Points you must use spell points to cast spells. you have spell points equal to your Intelligence + your wizard level
Arcane Schools Choose three Spell Schools. You cannot cast a spell if it's not from those schools
Arcane Bond You have a connection to a familiar or a physical object, such as a Spell book, amulet, ring, orb, etc., acting as a conduit that allows you to access your knowledge and connect to the magical weave. As long as you have the conduit on your person, you can cast your known spells. If the conduit is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced after 1 week in a special ritual that costs 50 gold and takes 8 hours to complete. Items replaced in this way do not possess any of the additional enchantments of the previous bond. A wizard can designate an existing magic item as his bonded item. This functions in the same way as replacing a lost or destroyed item except that the new magic item retains its abilities while gaining the benefits of becoming a bonded item.
Spells Known You know three basic spells and six novice spells of your choice. You add two spells of an appropriate rank each time you gain a level.

Level 2

Wizard Subclass At 2nd level, you choose a subclass associated with one of your arcane schools. Your subclass grants you features at 2nd level, 6th, and 9th levels.

Illusionist Summoner Evoker
Abjurer Seer Necromancer

Level 3

Rank-Up You can now cast Apprentice Rank Spells

Level 4

Ability Score Increase you can increase one attribute of your choice by 1

Level 5

Rank-Up You can now cast Adept Rank Spells

Level 6

Wizard Subclass feature

Level 7

Rank-Up You can now cast Expert Rank Spells

Level 8

Ability Score Increase

Level 9

Wizard Subclass feature
Rank-Up You can now cast Master Rank Spells
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